How I like to revise and study

Studying is often something people don't want to do, and something many feel is forced upon them. I am one person to listen to when it comes to how to look at education, as I have been to college 4 times and I am only 19. I am currently coming up to my A2 exams for my A Levels, and I have taken 3 subjects that can be quite difficult. I like to try and remain positive because I know that how hard I try is up to me, and as cheesy as this is, as long as I can say I did my best and gave 110% then I shouldn't be angry or sad at my final grades. Many of you might know the unfortunate situation I have had with my current college and the way it has lowered my chances at getting high grades, but I don't want that to stop me from trying after all this time, so here are a few things I like to do to help me want to revise.

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1. Have lots of water as well as a tea.
Obviously the tea isn't necessary, you might want something else or nothing altogether, but I find something like a mint tea or even a coffee helps me feel prepared to work. I always have my 1000ML bottle with me as well and I aim to drink those at least twice a day, as even if you hate water it is so important. I prefer drinking from bottles or mason jar type glasses, so if this helps you want to drink more then do it!

2. Have food to eat before or during.
Snacks can be included, maybe some fruit or biscuits while you work. I like to eat away from my work as I can then take a break, but small snacks are a good way of staying full and energized, although I would try to avoid unhealthy foods as these aren't going to do anything for you.

3. Light candles and tealights.
I really love doing this anyway, and you can say it's just a 'girl thing' but it isn't! My boyfriend likes to have lights on, such as a mood light or fairy lights, and I really find this relaxing too. I like to have candles that are scented on, such as a Yankee candle, as well as tealights in my holders. I also have an oil diffuser and rock salt lamp which are really great to help calm down my learning environment.

4. Have nice stationary.
I do not own much stationary which is very upsetting, but it is very expensive. I own fine liners and thin felt tips and a pencil case of normal pens and what not. I also have a quill for my own personal things. I love stationary loads, and it is really nice to have cool things to use. Pastel highlighters and nice notebooks are also really nice things to own! It is also good to have cool fonts on your work if you're online, although not stupid ones. I find doing cool fonts and highlighting on my online work makes it more fun to read.

5. Only have music you don't know on.
This might sound weird, but it isn't often I have music on I can sing along to, or a podcast, because then I don't do work, I just sing along or listen. I really like to discover new music on spotify or play random songs on youtube to help me focus. I also work in silence but I know some people hate this.

6. Take decent breaks.
I would never work for hours on end without a proper break. I spent 7 hours in my college library yesterday and was in a foul mood afterwards because I had been staring at a screen all day with no one to talk to! I also do not revise or study everyday because I disagree when teachers say we should. There is no good in clogging your brain up and stressing over everything. Sometimes it is good to get on with your other responsibilities.

7. Dressed up or comfy clothes.
This is actually a tough one for me, as sometimes I get dressed and do makeup etc to try and make myself feel like I am going out to do work and am set for the day, but most of the time I try and wear comfy clothes and no makeup and stuff so I feel cosy and relaxed. I DO NOT wear PJ's though, as this makes me feel really lazy!

8. Get fresh air.
Linking to breaks, I think fresh air is really key to helping yourself be relaxed and more set to work. This could be walking alone or with your dog, going in the garden or even leaning out your window - safely lol don't die.

9. Be productive elsewhere.
By this I mean making your bed - which I am looking at my unmade one rn, sorry I'm a hypocrite!! - or by tidying or cleaning your room, or if you're like me and you have tons of pets, then cleaning them out or walking them etc.

10. Folders and organisation.
This is so key I can't even stress this enough. At the beginning of the year most people have folders and are organised, and then it goes haywire and the train comes off the rails and it looks like you single handedly chopped down the rain forest and robbed staples and are hording the results in your bedroom.......or is that just me???
I think folders are so good for keeping things together - but I definitely feel like folders must be set out a certain way, and you have to figure out what that is for yourself but I am quite specific about my folders. I also feel like having an area for all your things, and to post it your work etc is really good to keeping on track.

I hope these 10 things helped you feel a bit more inspired to be motivated to study, let me know if it did in the comments or on my facebook :)


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